OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [station = 0..0]

lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [station = 0..0]

alt: Array of 64 bit Reals [station = 0..0]

z_m: Array of 64 bit Reals [station = 0..0]

station_name: Array of Strings [station = 0..0]

target_landuse_type_1: Array of Strings [station = 0..0]

target_landuse_type_2: Array of Strings [station = 0..0]

time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747]

u: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

v: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

w: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

Tsonic: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

a: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

co2: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

Tair_ref: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

a_ref: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

p_ref: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

sigma2_u: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

sigma2_v: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

sigma2_w: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

sigma2_Tsonic: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

sigma2_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

sigma2_co2: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

n: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

dir: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

u_star: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

H: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

LE: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

zL: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

u_star_qc_flag: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

H_qc_flag: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

LE_qc_flag: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

NEE_qc_flag: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

NEE: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

footprint_target1: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

footprint_target2: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

footprint_x_max: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

u_star_rel_random_error: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

H_rel_random_error: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

LE_rel_random_error: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

NEE_rel_random_error: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][station = 0..0]
time: station:

time_bnds: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..7747][nv = 0..1]
time: nv:

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Christof Lorenz] at:

For questions or comments about the OPeNDAP service bundled with the TDS, email THREDDS support at:


Dataset {
    Float64 lon[station = 1];
    Float64 lat[station = 1];
    Float64 alt[station = 1];
    Float64 z_m[station = 1];
    String station_name[station = 1];
    String target_landuse_type_1[station = 1];
    String target_landuse_type_2[station = 1];
    Float64 time[time = 7748];
    Float64 u[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 v[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 w[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 Tsonic[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 a[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 co2[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 Tair_ref[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 a_ref[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 p_ref[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 sigma2_u[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 sigma2_v[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 sigma2_w[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 sigma2_Tsonic[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 sigma2_a[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 sigma2_co2[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 n[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 dir[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 u_star[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 H[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 LE[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 zL[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 u_star_qc_flag[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 H_qc_flag[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 LE_qc_flag[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 NEE_qc_flag[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 NEE[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 footprint_target1[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 footprint_target2[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 footprint_x_max[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 u_star_rel_random_error[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 H_rel_random_error[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 LE_rel_random_error[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 NEE_rel_random_error[time = 7748][station = 1];
    Float64 time_bnds[time = 7748][nv = 2];
} MOSES/Swabian_MOSES/aggregation;